Season 4 1996/97

Titles are Links

Epiosodes are shown in the order they were aired.

4X01 Herrenvolk 4X02 Unruhe
4x03 Home 4X04 Teliko
4X05 The Field Where I Died 4X06 Sanguinarium
4X07 Musings of Cigarette Smoking Man 4X08 Paper Hearts
4X09 Tunguska 4X10 Terma
4X11 El Mundo Gira 4X12 Kaddish
4X13 Never Again 4X14 Leonard Betts
4X15 Momento Mori 4X16 Unrequited
4X17 Tempus Fugit 4X18 Max
4X19 Synchrony 4X20 Small Potatoes
4X21 Zero Sum 4X22 Elegy
4X23 Demons 4X24 Gethsemane

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